I had the issue where it would do the initializing loop. Was looking forward to a nice evening with the pre-patch. Keep getting BLZBNTAG0000138F Scan and Repaired multiple times, same. Restarted client, restarted PC. Hi there, Also stuck on initializing. Read on the forum that you can try to reinstall the battle. Following someone elses advice, I tried uninstalling the battle. Every now and then it’ll start downloading at like 150 bytes a second for a. That did not work for me, still stuck at initializing even after closing all bnet processes in task manager. Tyrskorn-2108 March 27, 2021, 8:43am 2. Click the box for Safe Mode and then click the Network option underneath at the bottom. 2 Likes. Zarisavia-argent-dawn December 5, 2022, 1:34pm #613. Character transfer wont work and i am stuck! Customer Support. It’s taken 30+ minutes to download another 30 MB, from 250 to 280MB. Seems its on Blizz’s back end. The download progress bar is stuck at 0 b/s. World of Warcraft Forums WoW download stuck on "initializing" Support. I’ve deleted the BNet Files and Cache as that worked in the past but now i’m stumped. Stuck at "initializing". net app, however it is permanently stuck on Initializing. net folder. GTAForums does NOT endorse or allow any kind of GTA Online modding, mod menus, tools or account selling/hacking. Be it for downloading, launching, or updating these games on your PC. net app and re open it or when I quit WoW (no matter which version) - Retail, TBC and Classic keeps updating. He left this overnight and it did not resolve. r/starcitizen. Have tried stopping all the battle. Try plugging your computer directly into your modem. Uncheck the ” Load startup items ” box. Both the PTR and live versions are displaying the same problem. Technical Support. proxy settings. Then click Options > Game Settings. killing agent in task manager. Are many others having this problem? Battle net launcher seams stuck on updating… just spinning at Initializing 0%. Rebooted the computer. I had to go in and relocate each of them and it was fine, except for World of Warcraft. Right-click the Battle. I had the same issue basically installer stuck on “initializing” and “Grabbing another update” for over an hour. Edit: I just tried installing WoW Classic and it works, however, I tried installed WoW PTR and it also gets stuck on initializing. World of Warcraft Dragonflight - 10. It retries continuously but it does not get past that 2127019/2027019… I restarted bnet client, restarted my computer, uninstalled the wow files, started the repair client, but nothing seems to help. It’s stuck at initializing and nothing I do updates the WoW. SoM sure goona be fun. I just tried to empty the cache and change region, it doesn’t work. net Update Agent" or something similar, and end the task. What a mess. I’ve tried switching to mobile hotspot and nothing. It also doesn’t matter. Open Battle. Scan/Fix. net App. A fresh install of Bnet and WoW has done nothing. World of Warcraft ⚡ Guardians of the Dream - Common Issues CAS System Unable to Initialize ClientHandler. thought it was just me… gave up and uninstalled - now I can’t reinstall. Turn on your. I tried the usual fixes, nothing worked, and when I tried renaming the World of Warcraft folder to do a clean install it got stuck at “intializing” 1 Like. I have tried clearing my Bnet cache, I have tried closing everything in Task. Open the Battle. Stuck as well, i’m on EUW, can’t download the prepatch. I have uninstalled battlenet and all games, deleted all folders, even the hidden ones. net again. And yes my drivers are up to date. net app, however it is permanently stuck on Initializing. if it still gets stuck at the social club loop. Delete the Battle. Been stuck on 94% with initializing for the newest update for WoW, this has been happening since yesterday when the patch was launched. Look for any battle. Expect at least some free game time for this. Followed alot of tips from forum posts with similar problem. 20 per sec. IF it D. net Desktop App is stuck at "Initializing," try the following steps: Update or temporarily uninstall any security programs, which may mistakenly identify the login module as a security threat. Start the update (installation in your case) Close the Battle. Support Technical Support. I’m stuck as well…. NET and GPU. It’s the same result. What more can we even attempt? I have followed the instructions mentioned here: WOW Stuck at Initializing but to no avail. I even did a clean install of everything and still nothing. run Battlenet and install WOW. net. Dezyy-hellfire November 16, 2022, 7:54pm #138. Check the ” Hide all Microsoft services ” box. Restarted CPU and all that jazz. net installer. Ensure the problem occurs while the winMTR tool is running. I managed to fix the issue by completely uninstalling World of Warcraft and the battlenet app. Uninstalled Battlenet thinking it would help if I reinstalled but now it’s stuck on installing the damn launcher itself nevermind updating Warcraft for me to play. If it is downloading then it will unstuck after some time, don't interrupt it again just be patient. AggravatingTest3760. if you receive any specific errors from the Desktop App about the installation process that can help narrow down what’s causing this. Join the discussion in this forum thread and find out possible solutions. I have tried it all, from clearing caches, cookies, flushing. No big deal I think, I'll just log back in, and so I close the game and go to reopen it, and see there's an update. It’s always initializing and reclaiming disc space. ago • Edited 1 yr. Windows. Updated: 3 weeks ago Article ID: 13934 Product:. I fixed mine!Hello, It started couple hours ago. Mine is stuck on Initializing (452/452 bytes) and just doesnt budge. Navigate to the Compatibility tab and select the checkbox for. ago go to programdata on your main hard drive, delete battle. Battle net launcher seams stuck on updating… just spinning at Initializing 0%. Pwnmode-mograine October 6, 2022, 3:11am #6. Mine started when I was going to restart WoW and I was met with an update in the battle. Click the Blizzard icon at the top left part of the screen and choose Settings from the dropdown menu. Installed Battle. Was recently kicked out of the game a little over thirty minutes ago (right before the second stage of the time rift), and now I apparently need to apply an update for the second time today. Stuck on initializing. Select Game Settings on the left of the window. Wrathofevil-1493 January 8, 2023, 6:19am #1. Then went into the retail folder and deleted everything while it was still in this state. Put Battle. And as a lot of players have come back, it is a bit busy, but in general these things will get fixed quite quick. It will work then. If your World of Warcraft (WoW) update is stuck on "initializing," it can be caused by various factors. Kaotik-2758 February 13, 2020, 2:06pm 1. Same also, for PTR, and all versions of wow. Not working here “Initializing” Tried all the tricks here. I was surprised there weren’t already threads about his in this. However, the update wouldn't ever start actually. net Launcher. I tried everything I could think of then gave up. The steps that worked for me was as follows: Make sure auto-update is disabled on your Battle. exe in the game directory instead of throught the Battle. I play on a Mac. minnesotaHunter (Topic Creator) 11 years ago #3. World of Warcraft Dragonflight - 10. Click the Downloads tab and scroll down to the bottom and you will see. Been stuck on waiting for this thing to “update” for a half hour now. Stuck on Initializing, restarted battlenet, did nothing, several times. Then try wow again. I even did a clean install of everything and still nothing. net users are stuck at 1 percent when they update or install the app. Technical Support. ago. LoadingKrugraa-argent-dawn (Krugraa) December 16, 2021, 10:03pm #3. Keep getting BLZBNTAG0000138F Scan and Repaired multiple times, same. Updated: 4 months ago Article ID: 206714 Common Problems. Step 1. catflapps. Vorlin-dalaran Same. Check BIOS settings for World of Warcraft. Finally, restart your PC and start the Blizzard app again. Recently, my Battle. The installation however, stops at Initializing (2145572/2145572), and then goes back to Updating after a few seconds, and then back to Initializing. WoW Download is stuck on initializing. 0% Updating, nothing is happening - > I closed Battle. Game is stuck at 99% in battle net launcher with 5mb remaining, originally it got stuck and I decided to scan and repair, this sent my game into an endless scan loop and I could no longer play the game, I reinstalled the battlenet launcher and eventually caved and reinstalled wow (note this is a big deal, as. net launcher and still says initializing. The Updating never gets anywhere, stuck on 0%, with it also saying "Initializing". Stuck on. WoW Installation stuck at initializing. -force quit battle. Eject the flash drive and connect it to your Steam Deck while in Desktop Mode. i went up to download the game. Rambush-rattlegore. Nallianah-wyrmrest-accord. Pwnmode-mograine October 6, 2022, 3:11am #6. Tried exiting and relaunching the battle. Technical Support. Riddington. net button at the top left of the Battle. Kymthegreat-staghelm November 8, 2023, 6:23pm 1. I’m stuck in a “Repair-Loop”… when I tried the scan and repair function, it scans for ~10 minutes or so, then tells me “something wen wrong” and that I should try again. I’ve tried restarting Battle. No matter which one I have it work on, the Update gets stuck on “Initializing” at 0% and won’t budge from there, even after I leave it alone for hours. WoW download stuck on "initializing" Support. Slide the slider all the way down to never Notify. See, you got it half right. Last resort I went to my Mobile HotSpot. Renamed the copy to retail and relaunched battlenet as admin. net desktop app. net launcher (or window). Same problem on 2 computers. I had WotLK and retail installed but it still could not locate either one even after manually pointing it at the file location. Best. Whenever I try to install my hearthstone game it says initializing until about 19% and then just stops. 819. I have restarted the application. net is closed, along with any other World of Warcraft of proprietary processes in the Task Manager. exe from the retail directory bypasses it, it almost immediately stops initialising while launching the game, and game runs fine, no wrong version errors or anything. The new Battle. Camuz-golemagg November 16, 2022,. cleared caches. I was able to resolve this issue using a VPN, setting my location to Hong Kong. It’s stuck on Initializing. net, flushed DNS, restarted computer, restarted internet, changed internet connection, etc. Technical Support. Danelliah-silvermoon November 16, 2022, 7:08am 4. Open Task Manager. After I exited retail wow again it’s just gone straight back to. Emeldavi-tichondrius. Click the Settings menu option. I’ve also restarted the client as well as my PC. Silvansaria-nordrassil. World of Warcraft Forums WoW download stuck on "initializing" Support. Voodoopanda-stormscale November 16, 2022,. Start the test and launch the Battle. So, this worked for me. net folder and restart your Blizzard App. Trepan-archimonde November 16. Try login in to another account, or create a free trial, and see if that fixes it. Then once they are all uninstalled, go in and manually delete the main World of Warcraft folder where the. Found the fix! Uninstall the driver in device manager under game controllers. Reopen the Battle. I haven’t played the game for a long time and with dragon flight the one expansion I’ve wanted to play for a while now, I bought it a few days ago got sometime so I can catch up a few of my characters in levels for the release but now the game is stuck in an updating loop when I install it, it doesn’t even attempt to install the game but freezes at initializing (2127019/2127019) and then. net, clear out all the WoW folders per Blizzard blue-post instructions, reinstall. if u dont wanna click links cus sketch then just search for “battle net gets stuck on initializing (Fix)” video is by ". When there is a wow update, the ‘initializing’ phase of the download is very slow. Assuming this is due to massive amounts of people trying to download, but putting this thread here saying for the last 3 hours, my download has been sitting at 0% “Initializing download”. I’ve disabled my firewall. That did not work for me, still stuck at initializing even after closing all bnet processes in task manager. run as admin. For some reason, WOW stays stuck initializing. benchmarksupport@ul. WoW download stuck on "initializing" Support. Trepan-archimonde November 16. Step 3. Was looking forward to a nice evening with the pre-patch. If your region is currently patching or undergoing maintenance there might be a known issue affecting all players. It needs 16gb of free storage to download the patch. I had the same issue a few days ago and I fixed it by launching the game through wow. This is found in C:/ProgramData (which is a hidden folder). net and still. I have deleted Battle. What i did to fix my problem, was to close the battlenet and then deleted "battlenet" and "Blizzard Entertainment" folders at C:\ProgramData. If that does not help try installing the latest driver for the Elgato Game Capture HD which can be found here. net I’ve also removed WoW, which now I think might have been a mistake. net, uninstalled Battle. They just had a post in EU about sending a log into wow, but they edited the link and I am unsure of the steps. So far nothing has worked. My guess is overloaded Blizzard servers. net, the game started to update, as usual. Hearthstone. Blizzard failing at being a game company. There are multiple Battle. (M1 Max, running OS12. Was working fine everyday im on just today it wont complete update. Sianguste-garrosh December 17, 2022, 1:59pm #4. We've tried restarting battle net, restarting computer, going into beta battle. Glad I’m not the only one stuck in the initializing loop. World of Warcraft - Patch Stuck on Initializing - Update Problem(For non-Turkish players this is Turkish Guide, dont say me anything about guide language but. I’ve also tried pausing and resuming with no avail and double checked there’s enough space on SSDs. The app is stuck on “Updating”, with WoW Classic at 0%, PTR at 83%, and retail WoW at 0%. net -Deleting the -Blizzard Entertainment- folder in ProgramData Still it just endlessly gets stuck on. Foxaris-draenor November 28, 2022, 9:52pm. I’ve also tried pausing the WoW updates to allow the desktop application to finish, but with no luck. Thought they would’ve made some improvements. The “update” is just stuck at 0 %. Chromie-ahnqiraj November 16, 2022, 9:26pm #352. net desktop app and update the game to see if the issue persists. I was surprised there weren’t already threads about his in this support forum. I’ve tried. Low and behold I can’t even download the game I paid for because it gets stuck in an infinite initializing loop. However, I’ve noticed over the last few weeks, that the download speed is extremely slow, talking down to like 15kbs as if this was 2001 and I was on 56k dial up. Now as part of uninstall of Battle. Meneshá-argent-dawn November 16, 2022, 7:15pm #65. World of Warcraft Lore Overview for people who don't really care Part 2: Part 2: The Expansions (WOTLK-MOP)Enable the highest download rate. g. This worked for me as well, thanks. Already try login out, login back, restarting computer. World of Warcraft Forums [Main Thread] Download Stuck on 0% initializing then BLZBNTAG0000138F. Not trying to run OW2, trying to run WoW. Help please. Try uninstalling ALL versions of WoW (Classic, Wrath, and Dragonflight) through the Battle. Account, App, & Shop; World of Warcraft; Warcraft Rumble; Diablo IV; Diablo Immortal; Overwatch 2;. exe" is downloading. net app shows that there are updates for: WoW Classic. Click settings. Foxaris-draenor November 28, 2022,. WoW download stuck on "initializing" Support. Hmm. Technical Support. Also, if I go and launch each individual . Edit: I just tried installing WoW Classic and it works, however, I tried installed WoW PTR and it also gets stuck on initializing. net and blizzard folders. So far I´ve tried: Exit the app and launch it again. Same here, stuck on initializing. World of Warcraft Dragonflight - 10. Zero progress gets made. WoW download stuck on "initializing". Technical Support. Scan and repair doesn’t work either. The update servers are unreachable. This can be caused by something blocking the Battle. WoW download stuck on "initializing" Support. It took a bit of time, but it eventually got done. exe in my retail folder and logged in manually w/ authenticator. Run the Blizzard Battle. 1 MannerAlarming6150 • 1 yr. net launcher but it wouldn’t reinstall. That did not work for me, still stuck at initializing even after closing all bnet processes in task manager. Друидяшка-soulflayer November 27, 2022, 4:44pm 598. Like topic says the install download will not go beyond initializing 2203048/2203048 and is in loop. Same issue here, stuck on ‘Initializing…’. Topic Replies Views Activity;. If you're having trouble installing or updating a game because the Battle. Up to two hours before the download starts. I had the same issue a few days ago and I fixed it by launching the game through wow. Nazwyn-terenas (Nazwyn) November 16, 2022, 7:28pm 94. Wait until the lights turn back on. Support Technical Support. Now, navigate to the Services tab. Tried restarting deleting cache folder restarting comp. Low and behold I can’t even download the game I paid for because it gets stuck in an infinite initializing loop. Force deleted everything about the game from my computer, reinstall doesn’t work. net and wait a minute and it should start initializing. If those two solutions don’t work, you’ll need to delete your WTF, Cache, and Interface folders located in your World of Warcraft directory. World of Warcraft Classic. I tried the usual fixes, nothing worked, and when I tried renaming the World of Warcraft folder to do a clean install it got stuck at “intializing” 1 Like. Same issue here. Same here, been stuck for nearly 2 hours. WoW download stuck on "initializing" Support. Pointyënd-ashkandi July 13, 2023, 8:53am #1. ago • Edited 1 yr. However, it refuses to update the game and remains stuck on. It will stuck in initializing again, but don't get mad! Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc>performance>resource monitor In the "resource monitor" window check at network tab, if a process "Agent. He had no issue downloading WoW Classic, but when he tries to download Retail WoW it gets stuck on initialising. Trepan-archimonde November 16,. Fixes I’ve tried: Deleting bnet folder in C:ProgramData Closing processes in task manager Switching battlenet launcher to the Beta version Uninstalling and reinstalling battlenet Updated Windows 10, . Initializing (XXX/1006) It is moving incredibly slowly for having gigabit internet and SSD storage. net Desktop App Update or. net launcher keeps showing “Updating” and “Initializing”… and 0% completion. I left it running overnight for 10+ hours, still Initializing… SOLUTION: I ran the Wow. I have been trying to install retail WoW all evening, and the battle. No matter which one I have it work on, the Update gets stuck on “Initializing” at 0% and won’t. Now I got stuck in the Initializing 2145581/2145581 loop. Disable any proxies that may interfere with the login module. Furthermore, I paid 90 euros for pre-order to play it will pre-launch, and I’m. If you're stuck longer than a few minutes on this screen, follow the troubleshooting steps below: If you're using a wireless connection, optimize your internet connection to rule out a connection issue. net Launcher. I’ve tried: Other games update and download without issues. Then, press CTRL+ALT+DEL to get to your task manager, and end any process that is called AGENT. The games run well. net launcher. Launcher stuck on initializing. Been sat for ages waiting to update, thought I was going insane. Continuing to watch the reinstall. Make sure your firewall or antivirus isn’t blocking Battle. Already submitted 3 bug reports through the battle. net. 3M subscribers in the wow community. Starting as admin is the important part. Agnass-anvilmar. Either “Initializing” or "Waiting for another download (and there is no other download) Giving up for the night. net launcher, and started re-installing wotlk. My current speed test shows 300mbit+ and another game downloaded just a bit earlier at 40mb/s. . Select all Agent, Blizzard, and game processes, and click End Process. net app installation is doing the same thing: getting stuck on the Updating function. Technical Support. an I dont have an antivirus at all. Seeing as though this thread is closed: Update stuck on initializing - #242 by Sonlak-grobbulus Just today I thought I would resub to try out Dragonflight. I guess the interim fix for now is to just run the exe and log in manually. Thank you for your help! comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. ARTICLE: battlenet. Got better things to do. net cache folder can resolve problems with the logon module. Same issue. Delete the Battle. With W11, the result is the same. Dadirro-silvermoon November 16, 2022, 7:31pm. We recently upgraded to Window’s 11 and had issues with WOW, so we uninstalled it figuring it was corrupt. I need to be in that queue! I tried posting this in the Bug report forum but i dont see a way to create a topic. Hello blizzard hamster wheel it faster, thanks. Delete the Battle. Grubbass-burning-legion November 15, 2022,. So try and do a clean fresh reinstall and then let it do its thing. Edit: Restarting the app in admin mode seems to have sped up the initialization speed. Open task manager and close Xbox game manager thing, then close b. Delete the Battle. Shakazdi-wyrmrest-accord October 6, 2022, 1:03am 1. After recording data for about 5 minutes, click “export text. Kaotik-2758 February 13, 2020, 2:06pm 1. I can’t start WoW client directly because it’s not compatible (probably because of phase two today, it. net app, however it is permanently stuck on Initializing. Same issue here, stuck on ‘Initializing…’. Following someone elses advice, I tried uninstalling the battle. There was also a World of Warcraft update that happened in the meanwhile and it went through just fine, but my DI update is stuck on 99% - Initializing, for more than 1 hour already. Switching battlenet launcher to the Beta version. Edit: I just tried installing WoW Classic and it works, however, I tried installed WoW PTR and it also gets stuck on. net launcher (or window). net cache. If you're having trouble installing or updating a game because the Battle. I’ve gone into Task Manager and killed all Blizzard. Cannot update wow at all. Disable any proxies that may interfere with the login module.